
In today’s lifestyle we do so much business that we can’t focus on ourselves, which is why we have to face so many problems. There are some health problems that only women have. However, women often neglect these small things and because of which they have to face their problems later. Nowadays there is a lot of disease and especially women do not take care of themselves while taking care of the family. And because of this the disease is growing among them. Here are some health tips that are extremely important for women.

1. It is important to practice:

Women need to exercise more, if women also exercise at least 2 to 3 times a week, they can avoid diseases like heart disorder, diabetes, cancer. Practicing will improve your personality as well as your health.

2. Stay away from stress:

Women do a lot of housework and outdoor work and all women want to do all the work together. It puts pressure on women. By taking stress, women have many health problems such as increased risk of diseases like blood sugar, heart disease, thyroid. So women should try not to take too much pressure and stay away from any kind of stress. This is a common suspicion among women that occurs frequently.

# 3. Get a good night's sleep every day:

Sleep is very important for women. If women do not want to wake up in the morning or feel tired, try to get enough sleep. Because getting enough sleep can prevent mental illness and physical illness.

# 4 Get enough calcium:

Taking plenty of calcium can protect you from kidney stones and bone and body diseases. If a woman is under 35 years of age, you should take 1000 mg of calcium per day, for which you take a nutritious diet and calcium like milk and nuts every day.

# 5 Pay attention to your diet:

Most women don’t pay attention to their diet during the work cycle, if you want to take care of the whole house you have to take care of yourself first, so women have to take full care of their health. Many women's cunt hair also turns white before age due to irregular eating and stress. So timely and beneficial food should be taken. In general, women's cunt hair begins to turn white by the age of 50.

# 6 Remember genetic testing:

Nowadays some diseases like sugar, heart disease, cancer etc. are also genetic in people so if you have any problem in knowing your genetic history then you should talk to a doctor immediately.

# 7 Consider Fertility:

There are many measures that need to be taken to keep women healthy and women between the ages of 30 and 35 do not have any problem getting pregnant but women between the ages of 32 and 34 do not have any problem with this. So if you want a baby, consult a doctor about it.

# 8. Have healthy sex:

Sex helps women reduce stress and during intercourse, remember that sex is okay or no problem when having sex, or if your partner is just having problems. The danger is reduced. If you have any problems while having sex, talk to your doctor about it immediately.

In addition to these there are many other health tips that are necessary for women - additional health advice for women

9) If you have a rash on your breasts, you can use baby powder. If you have problems with fungus, reduce sweet foods. Applying a paste of basil leaves on the affected area will be beneficial. Mix turmeric with aloe vera and milk and apply it on the affected part.

10) Examine your own breasts to see if there are any signs of breast cancer.
Careless living causes various diseases in women.

11) Exercise reduces problems related to the period but the exercise should be done within a limitation.

12) If you eat more food, you should do more physical work to burn them.

13) Ovarian massage is necessary for women because the ovaries are in front of the uterus and are involved with the pelvic bones. Therefore, you should message your own ovary so that the blood circulation is correct.
14) Massage your body regularly.

15) Do not take salty or biscuits with tea, it will reduce the chances of obesity.

16) Never use a razor to wipe the hair on the hands or feet.

17) Massage with potato juice or olive oil to reduce stretch marks.

18) If your menstrual color turns green or yellow, you should see a doctor immediately.

19) If you have abnormal color on your lips, it may be a sign of liver problems.

Women can be healthy and happy by taking these measures. It is very important for women to be healthy and disease free, because women are higher in their family and the whole family depends on them. Women can stay healthy and happy by taking these health tips.

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